Today, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Proclaimed February 28, 2023 Divine Nine Day in Arizona! Connie Drake Wilson, our Arizona State Connection And Social Action Coordinator as well as our very own Eta Epsilon Omega Chapter President, Sundi Williams, represented Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated along with two members of each of the remaining Divine 9 Organizations as Governor Katie Hobbs read aloud the “Divine Nine Day” Proclamation following accolades for  the community service and social justice initiatives and programming that all of the organizations provide to the citizens of Arizona. Also in attendance were four of five Divine Nine members who work alongside Governor Hobbs including AKA members Whitney Walker, Deputy Director of Policy, Jillian Donegan, Legal Assistant, and Kennesha Jackson, Policy Advisor.

Thank you Governor Hobbs for recognizing the historical accomplishments and continued efforts of AKA in AZ. We look forward to seeing you real soon at AKA Day at the Capital – Arizona!

A special thank you to the National Panhellenic Council – Phoenix for organizing this historic moment.

Divine9 Day Proclamation


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